Mr Ng Tee Chiou is Deputy Director-General, Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore. He has held various leadership positions in CAAS. His experiences spans across airport management, management of air navigation services, safety management and international relations.
Mr Ng currently oversees the Air Navigation Services Group, the Unmanned Aviation Systems Group and International Relations Group in CAAS. He is the Programme Director for the implementation of next-generation air navigation systems.
From 2011 to 2020, he served as Representative of Singapore on the Council of ICAO. In this capacity, he contributed in various committees and was Chairman of Implementation and Strategic Planning Group (2019-2020), First Vice-President of the Council (2017-2018), and Chairman of the Environment Advisory Group (2014 – 2016).
Mr Ng was awarded The Singapore Long Service Medal, National Day Awards in 2015 and The Singapore Public Administration Medal (Silver), National Day Awards in 2014.
Mr Ng holds a Master of Business Administration, Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, and Bachelor of Science (Honours), National University of Singapore.