Online Registration

Join us at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)’s 4th Global Implementation Support Symposium (GISS) to be held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, from 10 to 12 February 2025.

How to Register


Resistration STEP 01

Check the registration category table below.


For all “Free of Charge”

A voucher code is required

*Contact to request a voucher code. It may take up to 24 business hours to receive a code.

You must select your Category

  1. For Member State Representatives,
    please provide a letter of designation from your State on official letterhead.
  2. For International Organizations, your Organization must appear on the ICAO list of recognized organizations.
  3. For other categories requesting free entry, state your affiliation with ICAO.


Upon receipt of voucher code, click the

General Public, Industry and Academia

Register by paying the fee. There is no need to request a voucher code unless you are an ICAO TRAINAIR PLUS Member or Partner.

GISS 2025 Registration Fees

Member State Representatives* (Letter of designation or nomination from State on official letterhead) Free of Charge***
Speakers and Moderators (This category is reserved for speakers/moderators invited by ICAO) Free of Charge***
International Organizations (Recognized by ICAO) Free of Charge***
General Public/Industry** $1,500.00
Academia (Proof of status is required) $750.00
Sponsors (Maximum of 12 per sponsor. This category is reserved for sponsors of GISS 2025) Free of Charge***
Exhibitors (Maximum of 3 per exhibition space. This category is reserved for exhibitors of GISS 2025) Free of Charge***
Media/Press (Two per category, subject to approval by ICAO’s Communication Unit) Free of Charge
ICAO Staff (Valid ICAO email address required) Free of Charge

**All TRAINAIR PLUS Members/Partners from non-civil aviation regulatory bodies should select this category and request a voucher code to waive registration fee by contacting

***Free of charge: Voucher code is required to register online. To request a code, please contact and mention the category.